GirlCode is an event WIC hosts two Saturdays per semester where we teach middleschool-aged girls how to code and use hardware such as Raspberry Pi's and Micro:Bits. This is a great opportunity for our members to give the younger generation an opportunity to become passionate about computers.
"GirlCode made me want to join Women in Computing. I have always had a passion of teaching as well as Computer Science. With GirlCode, I've been able to pursue this passion, as well as help younger girls learn how to code. I've enjoyed this so much, that I've become the Outreach Chair for two years to help lead these events. I highly recommend trying this out for anyone who wants to help girls become passionate about computers."
"I enjoy volunteering at GirlCode because I love sharing my passion for electrical engineering with the next generation. I wish I had an opportunity like this when I was younger, so being able to introduce these girls to hardware at an early age is incredibly rewarding."